Materials Arena 2025 (Hybrid)

International summit on Materials Science and Engineering

Theme: “Innovations & Advanced Technologies in Materials Science”


Venue: Ambassador Hotel Bangkok, Thailand

Dates: Feb 27, 28, & March 1, 2025 (Three Days)

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Welcome To Materials Arena 2025 (Hybrid)

International summit on Materials Science and Engineering which is scheduled to be held from Feb 27, 28, and March 1, 2025, in Bangkok, Thailand. Materials Arena 2025 will create a global platform for researchers, scientists, academicians, policymakers, and industry experts to share experiences, discuss research findings, and acquire the desired knowledge in the subject from around the world with many networking opportunities. The Materials Arena 2025 International Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over some time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides exceptional value for students, academics, and industry researchers. International Conference on Material Science and Engineering aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Material Science and engineering. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Material Science & Engineering.

Who Can Attend?

  • Material Science & Engineering Experts
    Board of Directors, Chairman, Trustee,Engineers, Scientific Experts, Material Science technicians, NanoScience Experts etc.
  • Academic Institutions
    Head of the departments, Professor, Lecturers, Technicians, Students etc.
  • Business Executives
    Board & Advisors, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Head of the departments, Exhibitors, Business delegates etc.
  • Research Institutes
    Directors, Head of the departments, Researchers etc.
  • Associations & Societies
    Collaborators, Sponsors, Directors, Researchers etc.
  • Delegates
    Students, Visitors etc

Join Materials Arena 2025 Elite Speakers in Bangkok!!

Materials Arena 2025 | Bangkok, Thailand | February 27, 28 & March 01 , 2025

Dr. Yinlian Zhu

Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, China

Delia Teresa Sponza

Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey

Dr. Hongbing Lu

The University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Dimitris S Argyropoulos

North Carolina State University, USA

Dr. Yanhao Yu

Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Abdeen Mustafa Omer

Energy Research Institute (ERI), UK

Thomas J. Webster

Hebei University of Technology, USA

Dr. Zhongwei Guan

Advanced Materials Research Centre, Technology Innovation Institute, UAE

Dr. Igor Vladimirovish Reshetov

Sechenov University, Russia

Dr. Shengzhong (Frank) Liu

Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, China

Dr. Abraham Marmur

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Dr. Vladimir G Plekhanov

Fonoriton Science Lab., Estonia

Dr. Vladislav Bogdanov

National Transport University, Ukraine

Dr. Seongwoo Woo

Mech. Eng., Ethiopian Technical University, Ethiopia

Suresh Aluvihara

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Materials Science and Engineering

Biomaterials and Healthcare

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Catalytic Materials & Green Chemistry & Food Chemistry

Advanced Energy Materials

Surface Science and Engineering

Advances in Nano Materials Science

Nanoporous Aerogel Materials

Important Dates & Deadlines


June, 2024

First Round of Abstract Submission Deadlines



June, 2024

Early Bird Registration Deadlines



Feb 27, 28, & March 1, 2025

Materials Arena 2025 will be hosted in-person at Bangkok

Join Materials Arena 2025 in Bangkok

Reliable Experience & Expectation at:

Materials Arena 2025:


Keynote Presentations


Oral Presentations


Poster Presentations


Special Sessions


Accommodation at Hotel Venue


Complementary Breakfast for booking hotel room


Complementary Lunch during all conference days


Complementary Coffee Breaks and Snacks


Short Company Advertisement (Consult Organizer)


Sponsorship opportunities (Consult Organizer)


Advertise your Brand on our Materials (Consult Organizer)


Conference Kit & Certifications

Why to Attend?

Interact with eminent international speakers

Participate in stimulating case discussions

Access new and profound research ideas

Avail opportunities to network and exchange ideas

Get inspired towards professional studies

Showcase your latest research through the means of presentation

Connect with industry experts at the Conference

Publish your research in relevant Scopus Indexed journals

Network with peers

Why Choose Materials Arena 2025 ?

⇒Meaningful Connections: Forge lasting connections with like-minded professionals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Our events foster an environment where networking goes beyond the surface, allowing you to build relationships that can shape your personal and professional journey.

⇒Intercultural Exposure and Communication: Immerse yourself in a vibrant tapestry of cultures, perspectives, and ideas. Our conferences provide a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and embrace the richness of global diversity. Engage in insightful discussions and develop your intercultural communication skills.

⇒Inspiration and Knowledge: Our carefully curated conference programs are designed to inspire and educate. Learn from industry leaders, experts, and visionaries who share their insights and experiences. Gain valuable knowledge that can propel your career and personal growth to new heights.

⇒Opportunities to Establish New Collaborations: Discover collaborative possibilities and cultivate partnerships with professionals from various fields and industry sectors. Our conferences serve as a catalyst for joint projects, innovative ventures, and cross-disciplinary collaborations.

⇒Personal and Professional Growth: Our conferences provide a nurturing environment for personal and professional development. Immerse yourself in a community of forward-thinking individuals who share a passion for continuous learning and growth.

Materials Arena 2025 Pricing

For detailed information on hotel packages please visit registration page.




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Book of Abstracts

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Live Question & Answer Session





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Live Question & Answer Session




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Conference Kit

Book of Abstracts

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Live Question & Answer Session
